Rihanna’s latest lip shade name is one we can ALL relate to

If Rihanna couldn’t be any more of a queen, her new range of Fenty Beauty matte lipsticks has some of the most genius names we’ve ever seen.

In addition to ‘Spanked’ and ‘Saw-C’ (oo-er), the deep brown shade is aptly named ‘PMS’. Yep, that awkward time of the month associated with old underwear, sad films, Dairy Milk, and sweatpants can now be celebrated with a fierce lip colour. Because everyone knows to not mess with us during that visit from Mother Nature.

The plummy brown looks pretty damn sexy so we are so ready to whack it out for an insta-selfie. When someone asks what went into your look, you can also simply say ‘PMS’. *sassy hair flick*

Rihanna speaks about the new Mattemoiselle collection: “Lipstick is all about having fun and expressing your mood at any given moment.”

Does that mean her everyday shade should just be called ‘Queen’?

courtesy=  glamourmagazine.co.uk.com


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