10 Trends That Will Make 2018 More Adventurous

You may be a set-jetter if you have traveled to Skellig Michael in Ireland.


Exodus Travels, experts in adventurous pursuits around the world, has identified 10 trends that it believes will make 2018 one of the most adventurous years for travelers.

Female empowerment, the rise of the “fit-cation” and new trends like “set-jetting” mean more and more people are looking to book their next adventure

Here are Exodus Travels’ predictions for the coming year:

Dietary Restrictions Will No Longer Keep People Home

It doesn’t seem to make sense that more food restrictions would lead to more people feeling free to travel, but that’s exactly what Exodus Travels has found.

More people watching what they eat means that it’s easier to find items such as gluten-free cuisine around the world, essentially opening the globe to people who were previously concerned about travel.

For those concerned about their waistband expanding while on the road, Exodus also offers trips that combine delectable meal options with some calorie-busting activities.

The Rise of the Responsible Traveler

Traveling responsibly is becoming a powerhouse trend. As catastrophic weather events (we are looking at you, “bomb cyclone”) continue to wreak havoc, more people are paying attention to the “footprints” that they leave behind.

Exodus is dedicated to responsible travel and to giving back to the communities they visit. Through the Inspiration Project, Exodus has sent 2,340 children on educational day trips to see the wonders in their own backyards.

Set-Jetting to Hollywood’s Most Anticipated Blockbusters

Did you find yourself longing to visit the island Luke Skywalker lives on in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi?” Are you wondering if you can visit the real Kings Landing in HBO’s “Game of Thrones?” You might be a “set-jetter,” a new trend that explores the real-life locations in everyone’s favorite blockbuster films.

Here are some of the hottest destinations to visit according to Hollywood’s much-anticipated releases in 2018: Ancient temples and tombs of Egypt from “The Alchemist;” Cape Town’s Table Mountain from “Tomb Raider;” Italy’s Dolomite Mountain Range from “Solo: A Star Wars Story;” and Hawaii from “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.”

Fit-Cations” are the Next Active Adventure

There’s always a spike in fitness vacations in the New Year, but Exodus Travels has found that these pursuits are trending long after the winter months have passed.

The tour operator is helping people keep their fitness goals alive with trips that include yoga in the French Alps, open-water kayaking and refreshing runs along the Baltic coast.

Year of The Female Traveler

The #MeToo movement is having a lasting effect and going beyond sexual harassment and extending to female empowerment. According to Exodus Travels, the demand for girls-only tours is growing and the tour operator is offering a variety of tours to accommodate the needs of its guests, including trekking in Italy or mountain climbing in Morocco.

Natural Wonders You’ve Never Heard Of

This is the year people are looking to off-the-beaten-path adventures. Travelers are saying “been there, done that” to experiences such as Machu Picchu and Victoria Falls. They want to go to Amboro National Park in Bolivia, the Valley of the Moon in Chile or Kravica Waterfalls in Bosnia.

Self-Guided Adventures are Heading to New Heights

According to Exodus Travels, traveling on your own is one of the fastest-growing trends. Self-guided holidays have had a notable 133 percent increase, year over year.

The good news is, while being on your own holds great appeal, you don’t have to give up expert advice along the way. Exodus is offering 55 new, self-guided itineraries for globetrotters that want to go at their own pace.

Parallel Experiences for the Most Loved Destinations

Overcrowding is becoming an unwanted travel trend as more and more people around the world funnel into the planet’s most sought-after destinations. Intrepid wanderers are now creating a new trend: seeking out alternative or similar experiences in less frequented locales.

If you love the idea of Iceland, why not try Greenland or the Faroe Islands, suggests Exodus.

Vacations Gone Viral

These days, travelers get a lot of the information on social media about a destination before they leave. This has created the desire to seek out specific experiences and vantage points at popular spots to capture just the right image to post on their own social media channels.

Take a trip with Exodus and travelers can be assured that they will see the most scenic, off-the-beaten-path sights in a responsible and eco-friendly way.

Attending Major Global Events

In line with set-jetting, newsworthy events around the world are drawing their own throngs of visitors. You will not be the only one traveling to the FIFA World Cup in Russia or the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea.

Other events are also getting more hype from travelers such as the solar eclipse in Chile and Argentina or the annual Serengeti Great Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania and Kenya.

courtesy= travelpulse.com

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